SPIN has served over 76,000 families and individuals in Orange County since its inception in 1987.


At Serving People In Need (SPIN), we’re committed to serving the needs of people in our community who are in crisis and experiencing homelessness, or at risk of homelessness, by providing model programs to address the causes of homelessness.

Our Programs and services

At any given time, a family may find itself in a crisis situation and not know where to turn for help. SPIN’s programs can help, including our GAPP Housing Program.


We can’t do this important work without you! SPIN values and relies on our volunteers to help us serve families and individuals in crisis. Learn more about the different ways you can volunteer with SPIN.

Give Today

Your financial gift will help a family find a home which will be the “starting place of hopes and dreams.” Explore the many ways you can give to support families in need.


In 2023, SPIN provided homeless prevention, diversion, and support, including:

  • Serving 2,872 households as a Family Solutions Collaborative Access Point for Central Orange County.

  • Providing GAPP Housing Program assistance for 35 families (51 adults and 61 children) through HUD Rapid Rehousing.

  • Completing 84 assessments and supporting ​48 Family Coordinated Entry enrollments through its diversion assistance program.

  • Raising $178,552 in in-kind donations such as items for the food pantry, home supplies and furniture, and hygiene kits for SPIN’s Street Service program.

SPIN’s work wouldn’t be possible with volunteer support. In 2023, 1,599 volunteers provided 5,540 hours of service, including assisting with SPIN’s Street Service program.

SPIN also continues its role as the Housing Partner at the Melinda Hoag Smith Resource Center, the only center of its kind attached to a hospital.

Working alongside her case manager at SPIN allowed Pepper and her children find stable housing after more than a year of being homeless.

During the pandemic, the Asoau family found themselves living in a motel, concerned for their children’s safety. Today, they’re back in a safe home of their own.



Restoring Orange County’s individuals and families in crisis and at risk of becoming homeless, or experiencing homelessness, to be housed and to attain self-sufficiency through SPIN’s long-term proven case management and support services.